Everyone has that one friend, sibling, or significant other who loves to curse like a sailor. They may even have a vocabulary that would make a sailor blush. They’re the ones who think a conversation without profanity is like a cupcake without frosting. Some might say they have a limited vocabulary, but we’re of the opinion that it’s more like an extended library of swear words. So for those individuals, why not celebrate that facet of their personality? Sweary gifts that let them unleash their inner potty mouth can be the perfect way to show them some love.
If you’re looking for the perfect funny gift for that special someone who has a twisted sense of humor and an overflowing of interesting cuss words at their disposal and who would appreciate something a little more…offensive (or badass)… you’ve come to the right place. From coffee mugs to socks, we’ve got some great ideas for you to choose from for the sassy bitches in your life.
Who says gifts for birthdays, special occasions, or just because have to be all lovey-dovey and cutesy? Sometimes, the best way to express affection is by giving a gift with a bit of badass attitude. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to find a charming gift that will have them laughing out loud. We’ve got some pretty damn impressive ideas that will please even the dirtiest of mouths!
Here are some obscenely perfect (and obscenely sarcastic) gifts that will make them swear with joy.
Sweary Candles:
If your special someone is fond of swearing and loves a little ambiance, a sweary candle would be a great addition to spice up their room. These aren’t just any ordinary candles that smell sweet; they’re a little different. They mix the sweet scent of a candle with some favorite curse words that we all love to use.
“Girl, You Need to Calm the F Down” Candle
This candle is the perfect gift for your especially feisty and foul-mouthed friend. Whether they need it to settle down after a stressful day or just because they love to express themselves by swearing, this candle will do the trick. And to top it off, it’s pretty! And Pink! They’ll smile every time they light it, whether they like it or not because it’s so much fun!
“Our Friendship is Like This Candle, Forget About Me & I’ll Burn Your Fucking House Down” Candle
This candle is perfect for that special person you can’t help but love, even when they’re being a pain in the ass. It’s also a great reminder of how important friendship is. Because, without friends, you never have an alibi! You’ll know how solid your friendship is depending on how awkward the vibe gets when they open their gift!
“Mother Fucking Nature” Candle
This candle is just stating the obvious – it’s scented like mother fucking nature! It’s perfect for the outdoorsy type who loves to get in touch with their inner beast. And, with a name like that, it sure as fuck better not let you and your guests down!
“I Fucking Love You” Candle
This candle is great for couples who have been together for a while and aren’t afraid to be a little vulgar. Sometimes the profanity accentuates the love, and this candle does just that. If only it were customizable, you could add a sweet pet name to the end. I can see it now: “I fucking love you, stupid.”
Sweary Mugs:
A coffee mug can also say a lot with its design. A sweary mug guarantees that your special someone gets their morning coffee with a side of the most astounding profanity. You can choose between various profane quotes that will serve as a wake-up call every time they take a sip.
“UNT” Mug
This mug reads “UNT” in giant block letters. But if you look close enough, you’ll notice the handle is a C. So your giftee can wear the title of Cunt like they never have before. A great addition to any coffee mug collection, and it will be such a good time to watch the prudish adults’ reactions when they see it! So whip that bad boy out when you have uninvited guests dropping by to chat about your use of swear words around their precious children.
“Fuck This Shit” Mug
Let’s start things off with a classic.
Everyone loves a good cup of coffee in the morning, but sometimes it just doesn’t cut it. This mug is perfect for anyone who isn’t a morning person or really just anyone who hates everything. It’s a great way to start your day with a sassy attitude.
“Zero Fox Given” Mug
For the person in your life who really doesn’t give a damn about anyone else’s opinion, get them a coffee mug with this adorable, middle-finger-wielding fox plastered to the front. Get it? The fox symbolizes everyone’s favorite F-word! (We love puns around here!)
Sweary T-Shirts:
With warmer weather on the horizon, T-shirts are just what your special someone needs. T-shirts are a classic gift, but why not add a little edge? Offensive t-shirts are the perfect way to show off your sense of humor. You’ll find many that perfectly capture your special someone’s attitude towards life.
“Go Fuck Yourself” Unisex T-Shirt
Not only does this shirt say precisely what we’re all thinking, but the “Go Fuck Yourself” text is in such a cute font, and it’s presented over a rainbow! How much nicer can it be said?
“Shhh… ut the Fuck Up” T-Shirt
This t-shirt is perfect for that friend who loves to talk. It’s a gentle reminder that we don’t always want to hear it, and it’s presented in the most profanely cute way possible.
“Slightly Sweary But Incredibly Articulate” T-Shirt
For those friends who try to keep it classy, this t-shirt says it all. It’s a subtle reminder that being able to express yourself with more eloquent profanity is an art form, and we should all strive for it.
Sweary Phone Cases:
Nothing says “don’t touch my phone” like a sweary phone case. There’s something for everyone, whether it be funny, sassy, or downright rude.
“Another Long Ass Curse Word” Phone Case
With a phone case that reads “Godfuckingdamnitshitfuckcuntbollocksarseshitefannyfuckingbastardshitfuckcuntwadbullfuckingshitassfuckingdamn,” the recipient of this gift won’t ever have to worry about someone snooping through their phone again! Or, maybe people will be curious as to what’s hiding in there with a case that’s so obnoxious.
“Curse Word Web” Phone Case
This phone case has just about every expletive we can imagine splattered all over it in bold, bright-colored fonts on a black background. It’s like a piece of art you can carry around wherever you go. A masterpiece, even!
“Maybe Swearing Will Help” Phone Case
This phone case is great for those days when you just can’t take it anymore (i.e., all of them). Kids, grandmas, and Sunday school teachers be warned; you don’t want to mess with the owner of this phone case. The sentiment is great and will surely bring a laugh or two.
Sweary Socks
Socks are the new ties when it comes to gifts, and why not add a little bit of humor to them? Who doesn’t love a good pair of socks? And if those socks happen to have a curse word or two on them, even better. Sweary socks are a great way to let your friend show off their twisted sense of humor.
“Fuck Off” Socks
Socks may seem like a boring gift, but not when they have a phrase like this on them. These socks are perfect for someone who wants to express their anger without actually saying anything.
“STFU” Socks
Do you have a friend with a kid that never shuts up? How about a friend complaining about a wife who never stops talking about their latest passion? Get him a pair of these STFU socks so he can show off his sweet feet as a subtle reminder! While you’re at it, get yourself a pair so you can use the same technique to get him to stop whining about the kid and the wife!
“I Fucking Swear Because I Fucking Care” Socks
They’re not vulgar; they’re passionate! We get it! Show your love and dedication to your foul-mouthed friend by gifting them these heartwarming socks! Perfect for the activist in your life who wants to make sure their opinion doesn’t go unheard. And maybe your grandma, too. We know ours would love them!
Inappropriate Greeting Cards:
Greeting cards are a must-have when it comes to gift-giving. But forget the sappy messages and cute animals. Instead, we’re talking about cards with statements like “You’re a fucking legend” or “Happy Fucking Birthday, You Magnificent Bastard.” These cards are a great way to show your friend that you know their sense of humor and are not afraid to embrace it.
“Happy Birthday You Fucking Fossil” Birthday Card
Do you have a friend who’s a bit sensitive about getting older? This card is perfect to show them you care and that you’ll never rub it in their face… or something like that. It has a funny message and an awesome dinosaur illustration that will make them chuckle.
“Fuck Your Stupid Fucking Birthday” Birthday Card
This card is perfect for the friend who loves to make fun of themselves and has a bit of an irreverent sense of humor. It’s sure to make them laugh (or at least cringe), and it shows that you aren’t afraid to get creative when it comes to gift-giving.
“Old As Fuck Award” Birthday Card
Is getting an award for being old as fuck similar to participation awards? Probably. But that doesn’t make this card any less funny. On the contrary, it’s the perfect way to celebrate your friend’s birthday in a hilarious and lighthearted way.
Sweary Home Decor
Give the gift of home decor with a sweary twist with these foul-mouthed accents. Maybe a throw pillow with a sweary graphic is just what your articulate friend needs! Or perhaps wall art is more their style? Whatever the case, home decor with a sweary twist is sure to get a smile.
“Fuck Off Fox” Framed Wall Art Print
This wall art is so fucking cute that we can’t stand it! This fox is winking at us… under his SPECTACLES! and telling us to “fuck off!” You literally can’t get cuter than that!
“Let’s Keep the Dumbfuckery to a Minimum Today” Throw Pillow
If your special someone appreciates a good curse word, they’ll love this sweary pillow. They can hug it when they’re feeling down or yell into it when they’re frustrated. It even looks sturdy enough to deal with some serious venting!
“Good Moms Say Bad Words” Throw Blanket
This throw blanket is pretty tame as far as this list goes since it doesn’t actually have a single curse word on it. It’s more of a warning… a gentle reminder that moms are people too, and sometimes they need to drop an F-bomb. It’s the perfect gift for any mom who likes to keep it real!
“I Won’t Quit But I Will Definitely Cuss” Wall Sign
Another item on the list without any actual curse words, but we felt it was fitting for our theme. This wall sign is ideal for anyone who’s a bit of a rebel and likes to show it. It’s like a tiny reminder that they don’t have to conform to the rules, but they can still get their point across with the use of as much profanity as possible!
So, there you have it. If you’re looking for the perfect gift for that special someone who loves a good swear word, look no further. Sweary coffee mugs, profanity socks, foul-mouthed candles, offensive t-shirts, and inappropriate greeting cards are just a few of the gifts that are sure to bring a smile to their face (or possibly make them hate you, but you can’t win them all). So go ahead, embrace your foul-mouthed friend’s sense of humor, and give them a gift they’ll never forget.
These gifts are not for the faint of heart, so make sure your friend or partner has a good sense of humor before giving them. And remember, it’s the thought that counts – even if that thought is “Go fuck yourself.” Sometimes, a little bit of profanity can make all the difference.